Rhode History Month
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Simons Says

Dear Andy (Jackson Pics)

Rhode History Month

Muller vs. Miller vs. the World

The Quote Book


Here at The 711 we are strong advocates for the survival and preservation of Andrew Louis Rhode. To celebrate the 20th anniversary of his appearence, we will be offering you a time line of the events in his life that have had the greatest impact. Enjoy.

-Jan 23, 1984-Andrew Louis Rhode is born premature. Huh, that is so like him.

-Nov 14, 1984- Andrew says his 1st words, "Mommy." His 2nd and 3rd words, "Fuck, ass."

-Dec 9, 1993- Andrew leans in to kiss his neighborhood crush, Jennifer, only to be rejected. To this Andrew responds, "Baby, don't be so mean!" It was this point that Andrew realized his was destined to be a sports broadcaster.

-Sept 1998- Nov 2001- Worst QB Ever.

-Sept 06, 2002- Andrew meets uber-genius Eric Simons. He responds, "They let black people into this school? He must be an athlete." He was right.

-Jan 12, 2003- Andrew meets his dream girl, Superficial. She gives him a milkshake, he chews on her melons. To this day it is the only fruit he has ever eaten.

-Dec 7, 2003- Andrew denounces the use of the word fuck to less then favorable reviews.

-Dec 9, 2003- Andrew says "Fuck, ass." In response to his failed attempts at not using the word.

-Jan 07, 2004- Andrew launches The Official 711 Website.