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Welcome to Simons Says. The Simons Says section is commited to bringing you the thoughts and ideas of Eric Simons. These maybe in the form of rants, inspirational passages, exposes, reviews, and pictures. What ever Simons Says.

Hey a Boo Boo, pass the Pic-a-Nic Basket

Matt Muller and myself took it upon ourselves to creat a drink that can be enjoyed by all. In my drunken wisdom I connected peaches with baskets, and baskets with pic-a-nic baskets. Just accept it.

The Pic-a-Nic Basket

  • 1 part Peach Schnappes
  • 1 part Lemonade Schnappes
  • 1 part Rum
  • add 7up (to your liking)
  Words of Inspiration for Andy Rhode

To become a master of one's craft, a man must except all of what that craft entails. Rhode, your craft of sports observation and announcement requires a understanding of the english language. To use this language properly the medium on a whole must be accepted. So stop being such a pussy and use the word Fuck.

Use your powers of good,

To gain the temptations of evil Young Rhode,

Crack that Belt

The void of female companionship can be a canyon greater than the Grand, and the attempts to to regain it can be more of a mountain then Kilamanjaro, to avoid these obsticles, a wanton lust for the fruits of temptation must be maintained. Reach for that apple Rhode. Bite. Bite.

The Game of life comes with many ups and downs. Playing your cards right can lead to jubilation and satisfaction, while the the wrong call can slow your soul. But the greatest disappointment comes from not playing any cards at all. All in Young Rhode. Double down.
You must look inside yourself,
if you wish to get inside her.
Play on Rhode




Fucking NCAA tournament. Why do you build me up, buttercup, baby, just to let me down. Every year I put tireless hours into picking the situations that will result in the best picks. Princeton, your school is a sham. If you guys are so fucking smart how come your offence doesn't work anymore. Texas has some of the dumbest people alive on their team (or the oldest, Mouton's got 4 years until Social Security kicks in) but yet your preference of the backdoor has not got you a lay (up) in years. Then there's all these fucking Alabama Schools. Any school with a sign outside the arena that says "NO Shoes, No Shirt, No Problem" doesn't deserve to reach the Sweet Sixteen. And would someone fucking beat Duke. Deng it, Redick is a fucking tool shed that simply needs a punch in the gut. That's all. This is why I think they win. 20 some years ago, the president of Duke decided to conger up some spirits, you know for a new mascot (the one they had then wasn't very politically correct). Much to his surprise he not only received a Blue Devil (better then white power devil) but also the demon which is Mike Krzyzewski. That's right he's the devil, I dare you to look in his eyes, I dare you. Bobby Hurley looked him in the eye once, see where his career went. Then there is the selection of the teams. Illinois gets a 5 seed and Maryland gets a 4. Maryland wasn't even going to make the tourney 3 weeks ago. And fuck the 65 teams, does anyone even watch the play in game. We don't need a game played on Tuesday to confuse us as to the start of the actual tourney. They should call it the NCAA rape game, slip the winners some Spanish Fly and tell them the number 1 seed will be gentle on them. Then there is the presentation on CBS. Bravo. The idea to do a ten second delay was a brilliant one. Every two minutes the TV scrambles up and it looks like I'm trying to watch the Playboy channel, except there's no tit and all balls. That doesn't get me excited. I hope that CBS's contract is up soon so the NCAA tourney can go where it belongs, ABC. It belongs there for two reasons. 1. If ABC owns it, there will be no watching of bullshit blowouts like Duke-Alabama St. while Alabama S. Illinois goes down to the buzzer, because they can put games on ABC, ESPN, and ESPN 2. 2. Dick Vitale. There is nothing sadder then watching Dickie V miss out on all the excitement. I would follow Dickie V anywhere. Burger King: "Hey, give me a number 3, hold the tears baby. Onions make me cry. And I want it like me post players, super sized baby!" Weddings: "Ohhhh, what a luck bride baby. This guy has got more moves in bed then Jameer Nelson. When he shoots, he always hits the spot baby!" Or even funerals: Oh, when these guys put him in the basket, it silenced the crowd baby. I call it a librarian slam. Maybe if he had a better defense, he'd be pushing up the roof after a win instead of pushing up daisies baby." Since my pool is essentially done, all that is left for my pride is an Oklahoma St (my only team left) pulling out the win. That's Simons last prediction.





Here I sit. 3:40 am. Wide awake. I'm not tired in the least bit, but what am I supposed to do, I have 8 o'clock class. So I continue to attempt sleep but to no avail. If there is an affliction known as Sunday Night Insomnia Can't Knockout or Even Rest Syndrome (SNICKERS) then I must have it. As delicious as that particular syndrome may sound, it surly sucks a great bit of ass. Every Sunday night since second semester has started I have found myself unable to fall asleep before 3:30 am. While I have always prided myself on being able to function on very little sleep, getting 4 hours in a night is just fucked up. I cannot pay attention to my Macroeconomics class on that little sleep. As I lie in my bed last night I calculated my opportunity cost to not sleeping as opposed to sleeping. The numbers are astonishing. Now it can't possibly be that I am having trouble sleeping just because my love of Economic theory, there must be other factors. For one, it is hard to concentrate with the Three Tenors of Snoring I call my roommates. They are led by the showboating Pavarotti (Jared Miller). Anyone lucky enough to share a room with him knows that there is not a note that this man has not hit. Not a sound he has not uttered. Not a strange word or phrase he has not said to me, confusing the hell out of me and others. When combined with his supporting cast they make some weird ass music, music the likes of Simon Cowell would be at a loss for words for. Then there are those strange moments of calm; when I seem to be in the eye of a storm. When this happens you can hear the littlest of sounds. Doors opening and closing to the wind, cats meowing, my floor mates engaging in sexual activity(and after inter-visitation, shame) and the hum of my computer. It harks back to the days when I watched Unsolved Mysteries. I could take any sound I heard and relate it to how the at large murderer had made in from New Mexico to my home in Minnesota. Now as a grown ass man I should not be afraid that someone from Santa Fe is going to break in to my dorm room and murder me, just because I have SNICKERS. I know they are putting more nuts in each bar, but that's no reason for a killing spree. I think I prefer Sweet Tarts to spree, but a transcendental trip of murder and milk chocolate is uncalled for. Even if you calculated the opportunity cost of the trip, it is not right. What the hell am I talking about? I don't even know anymore, I think I need to get some more sleep. 





Roses are red, Violets are blue, Valentine's Day sucks ass. I don't even feel like finishing that poem, that's how I feel about Valentines Day. I mean seriously, is there a worst made up holiday around (well Canada Day is stupid, but who gives a fuck about Canada's freedom, they're just a wannabe America). Let's look deeper into the problems of the day. There are basically two sides to the story. The first side is the people who are in relationships. They feel compelled to buy buttloads of candy and flowers. Why is the heart the universal organ of love, who not the liver or the kidneys. "I love you so much I'll give you my right kidney. Then a part of me will be in you. Well..." I'm kinda tired of seeing people who are supposedly in love (or at least deep lust) moping over getting the teddy bear wearing fire shorts riding a pole or the one that is wearing lacy clothing. That's just disturbing; seriously, it's a damn stuffed animal. You can buy one at fucking Toys R' Us for like 3 bucks, she'll love it just the same. Then if one couple has something deemed "better" then suddenly a very worth gift looks obsolete in comparison. That's sad, he put effort into his gift, don't be so superficial. That brings me to the other side of Valentines Day. The single person. Is there anything more depressing then seeing a bunch of your friends go off to do their romantic things, here you sit on you ass, eating cheap heart shaped candy, pondering why it is you have no valentine (the generic He-Man valentines you gave out in elementary school doesn't count... cause Skeletor will come down on you brown bag valentine holder hard, real hard). It's a sad state and no one deserves to be in that position, especially men as handsome as the 711 boys (Matt Muller not withstanding). I believe Valentine's Day is a mass conspiracy started by Big Business and Big Government. Back during the Great Depression, FDR needed something to stimulate the economy. Candy, cards, flowers, and various public works would be given to those you love. Soon alcohol weighted heavily into the equation. Now a days alcohol sales have to be ridiculous on Valentines Day. Champagne and wine for the lovers, hard stuff for the losers. My friends and I surely put down a great deal of alcohol this past Valentines Day, but to no avail. Love cannot be built of alcoholic binges (Matt Muller not withstanding). Now don't get me wrong, love is a beautiful thing, but doesn't let the calendar companies tell you when to tell that special one when to do something special. Fucking sack up and buy him/her something on a non- traditional holiday. In honor of Black History month, buy your black friend a ticket for the bus (tell'em to sit in the front, that'll show'em). Buy you suburban white friend a new Rap cd. Make some fried chicken. Dare to be different, love thy neighbor on a day other then Valentines Day, and say it loud...I'm black and I'm proud. Happy Black History Month.



Where the fuck are cells phones headed? I went to go get my phone checked a few weeks ago and I couldn't believe my eyes. First it was the ability to take pictures, now they are putting video cameras in them. So if taking blurry pictures wasn't enough, now you can take blurry moving shots. Yeah! How about making it so my phone works in the basement of my building? Or when I leave a city, it kind of defeats the purpose of having one for emergencies if I get out on the highway and oh you're out of service. I just want to call an ambulance, is that so much to ask? What if I get in a car wreak. "Your cell phone is out of service, so you are fucked. Feel free to play a game of Snake with your full color screen until you expire." Death has never been so fun. At least it sound is clear. Oh wait, pretty sure my friend sounded like a fucking hiccupping robot last time I called him. Why no just make it so the cell phone is the only thing you need in life. "The Nokia Omnipotent comes equip with palm pilot, pen, comb(or pick, for the brothers), deodorant, walkman, Swiss army knife, male or female companionship(your choice), Polaroid camera, two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions, sesame seed bun, mittens, cappuccino maker, a kite, Almond Joy(sometimes you feel like a nut),Mounds Bar(sometimes you don't),Paris Hilton sex tape(sometimes you feel like a nut), cup holder, William Shatner, and a four door sedan. If you order it this month you will receive an indulgence from the Catholic Church, free of charge." Well in that case, let's jump in the car and go taunt Martin Luther. Aw shit, it's not done charging yet. Simons out.




Did anyone else see Janet Jackson's Tit (singular) during the Super Bowl halftime show? Is this what our halftime shows have come to? I mean I enjoy a good breast as much the next man, but it seemed a bit out of place. Janet just finished talking about fighting against prejudice and domestic violence. Then she finished it by saying no to bras. I don't know about you, but I was frightened and confused by it. For minutes afterword I didn't know if I had seen it right or if some one slipped something in my Gatorade. Is unveiling half a set of breasts the best way to keep the children positive? "Hey there Timmy, you know hitting your girlfriend is wrong. Good, since you've been so good I let you have a gander at Miss Jackson's Titties." (I capitalized titties because they were very large, delicious breasts). Then you would think with a titty finish, the show would be good. Oh no, it sucked ass once again. Good Job producing MTV, maybe if you worked on producing and distributing music, you could get the halftime show right. Then there was lazy as Puff Daddy/ Cream Puffy/ P.Diddy/ Sean Combs Puff n' Stuff. You lip-synced your whole set. Why? I can see Janet Jackson doing it, because she had a lot of dance choreography, but you didn't even walk while on the stage. You rode a fucking conveyer belt. Like this is the fucking airport. Didn't you just run a fucking marathon for charity? When you stop rapping I don't think too many people "Will Be Missing You." I can't believe that the best part of the show was Kid Rock. He appeared to be the only one actually singing. Though I don't know what was up with his fur coat/American flag vest. The Queer Eye for the Straight Guys guys would have a field day with that. Yeah I watch Queer Eye, grow up. They have good tips. Honestly. Simons isn't going to take this. I'm out.





Why can't any advertising groups make a decent commercial for Erectile Dysfunction? Seriously, I was trying to sit down to a nice game of football the other day and a commercial for Cialis comes on. The whole fucking commercial was a couple sitting in bathtubs (plural, each had their own tub) watching the sunset out on the lawn. "What if the neighbors see us!". What? Don't believe me go visit the site It is ridiculous. What the fuck do his and her bathtubs and a sunset have to do with not getting your soldier at attention? If they want to make a good commercial for ED then there should one shot of a disappointed wife, then a shot of the man going to the pharmacy, then finally a shot of the woman riding the man in one, count'em one bathtub. Shit, if they put that on network television I would get an erection right then. Then you have the classic Viagra commercials. Have you seen the one where the guy goes to a party? Everyone notices something different about the guy.


"Hey Bob, you get a hair cut?"


"Hey Bob, you buy a new suit?"


"Hey Bob, there's something different about you. What's up?"

"Well, my penis is up, Mary. I sporting a new erection at your party"


I think that's how the commercial went. Then there is the commercial with Texas Rangers "star" Raphael Palmeiro. Trouble swinging the bat, huh? I think they need to find some one with a little more credibility to sell their little pill. I mean Palmeiro is a good player in all, but no one watches baseball anymore. Bob Dole was not much better either. When you think of good, erection-based sex, you think Bob Dole. Hey someone who couldn't run the country shouldn't be allowed to run the bedroom. Or vise versa. Now, I'm all for helping out those with ED, but come on they've already suffered with their problem, don't make them suffer through a bad commercial too. Simons Says work harder. The advertisers that is.





What the fuck is wrong with people on American Idol? I'm not too proud to say I watched it last week or to say I laughed through most of it, but damn. Why did your ass go on that show? You know damn well you can't sing. That crackle in your voice is not a new note, that's the sound of your dreams crumbling. I'm sorry to tell you but you can't sing. Here is where I believe the problem is. Theory 1: Your mother thinks that her baby can do anything that he or she puts their mind to. Awwww. Guess what? My mommy told me that too, but even if I put my mind to singing, I would still suck ass at it. Are you looking for 15 minutes of fame? Cause I clocked you at about 1 minute, 30 seconds. Then these shitty ass acts are forcing perfectly good singers to resort to bullshit to get noticed. Come on Scooter Girl get off the Razor and sing a real fucking song. Theory 2: American Idol is planting these acts. I would like to think that the honorable medium of Reality TV is above acts such as the one I just mentioned but it is all about ratings and topping what has come before. After two seasons of shitty ass acts, you start to run out of bad people, maybe its time to make up some bad acts with bad actors. Speaking of bad acts, why the fuck is Ryan Seacrest so fucking popular. He's a fucking tool shed. I hope there hurry up and put he show On Air on the air so they can cancel it. Your not funny, not that charismatic, and well some of my female friends question what team your playing on. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Just don't lead on the ladies. Simons out.


Who the fuck designed the new twenty dollar bill? Are you serious? This is the most ridiculous looking thing I have ever seen. "Oh, the colors children!" Are other countries supposed to take us seriously when they see this thing? Right now France is laughing. Even Saddam is chuckling in his cell. I mean did they have a contest to see who would design the new bill. If I knew that little 3rd grader Emily Procter of Boise, Idaho was going to fuck all of our country's integrity by using more colors and giving it a few more incarnations of Jackson's head, I would have entered the contest. And why? Because the other "uncounterfeitable" twenty got copied. Surprise, surprise. Who didn't know that big headed piece of shit wasn't going to get counterfeited. This is the new age of computers, fraud, and greed. Where there is a will, there is a way. And guess what this fucked up ass bill is going to get copied too. Then what? We need more heads, more vibrant colors. If you burn the money it will burn red white and blue. Pinch Jackson's head and he will sing America the Beautiful. Find some other important shit to do Government, like getting us out of debt. Maybe the counterfeiters could help us pay that shit off. That's all Simons has to say.


Has anyone else experienced the phenomenon that is frost on the inside of the car. No, well let me tell you about it. I'm in a hurry to get to a football workout and oh, there is frost on my windshield. Better go outside the car and scrape it. 5 minutes later  I've scraped the windows but frost still resides on the inside of the car. What... the... fuck. Who gets frost on the inside of the window? I do, that's who. Have you ever tried to scrape the inside of your car?  It's impossible. The scraper won't do anything but put two fucking lines down your winshield. Good luck looking through the windshield. It's certainly not enough to drive my car safely. So with just minutes left before my workout I find myself trying to drive Ace Ventura style with my head out the window in the fucking middle of fucking winter. Why? I didn't realize my car's interior was capable of of the type of weather that can harbor frost. Apparently my car is like its own ecosystem. Let me ask you car, what is the wind chill today? The dew point is a bit high isn't it car? There has been a bit of a drought, hasn't there car? Looks like a storms a brewin', better take shelter in the trunk. Well if anyone knows a good little weatherperson, I'm hiring. Maybe he will be able to tell me when a a frost is coming in my car, then hopfully I can make it to my workout on time. That's all Simons has to say.



Best Movies of 2003



  1. Kill Bill:Vol 1
  2. Bad Santa
  3. Big Fish
  4. Intolerable Cruelty
  5. Matrix Revolutions
  6. A Mighty Wind
  7. Terminator 3
  8. School of Rock
  9. Identity
  10. Hulk
  11. Owning Mahoney
  12. Finding Nemo
  13. Confidence
  14. Freddy vs. Jason.

Simons' Questionable Movie Choice of the Week

I usually am not a big fan of made of TV movies. TNT's presentation of Bad Apple after the allstar game this past sunday was no execption. I thought there might be some potetial, i thought it would be kinda hip ganster thing. Well it had gansters, but everyone acted like a baffon and it all seemed too self aware. "Hey look at us we a re being hip and cool." Good for you, but don't expect me to watch you ever again. Come on TNT.